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Advanced Con't Options

This tab contains advanced options that can be toggled on and off.

Monitor Clipboard for URL
TurboFTP can monitor the clipboard for URLs to an FTP site.

Active by default. This feature activates TurboFTP's URL detection feature. TurboFTP will automatically connect to the site or begin downloading the target file whenever an FTP URL is copied onto the Windows Clipboard. This feature assumes an anonymous login if the site cannot be found in the Site Address Book. To learn more about FTP URL monitoring, click here.

Save transfer queue on exit
On program exit, if the transfer queue is not empty, save it to a session file (default.tbx), which may be loaded the next time the program runs.

Resume last incomplete section on startup
Enable this to have TurboFTP automatically resume the last incomplete queued transfer on startup. TurboFTP will remember the remaining files in the transfer queue when it is terminated. When it starts up again, it will try to transfer those files automatically.

Start transfer after session loaded
Transfer queued entries immediately after a session file is loaded into the queue.

Cache remote directory
Enabling caching of the remote directory so that listings of cached directory can be viewed again without retrieving them again from the server.

Recursively remove remote directory
If enabled, when you try to delete a remote directory, TurboFTP will remove all files and sub-directories in it, if any. Otherwise, it will assume you are deleting an empty directory and will do nothing further if it has something in it.

Enable Auto Reconnect
Reconnect to the server if the connection is unexpectedly lost or closed by the server.

Retain skipped items in queue
Enabling this option keeps the skipped items in the queue; otherwise, they will be removed.

Preserve server file time on downloaded files
Set the timestamp of a downloaded file to be the same as that of the remote source file.

Preserve local file time on uploaded files
Set the uploaded remote file's timestamp to the local source file timestamp. In FTP, the MDTM command will be used to set the remote file time (format: MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS filename). The FTP standard RFC959 does not support this feature; your FTP server might not support it. In SFTP, this feature should be fully supported by the SSH server.

Use APPE to resume uploads
Use APPE (append) command to resume uploads instead of using the REST command. Like the REST command, the APPE command may not be supported or allowed by some FTP servers.

Auto change directory
When entering a subdirectory on one side (local or remote), automatically enter a subdirectory of the same name (if found) on the other. When this option is enabled, you can temporarily disable it by holding down the SHIFT key when entering a subdirectory.

Disable remote auto refresh after upload
By default, the remote directory will be updated after the upload completes. This option disables this feature if you prefer to manually update the remote listings.

Check transferred file integrity
Retransfer the file if the CRC check fails. The server must support the XCRC command for this feature to function.

Remote List Command
This option allows you to specify the command to retrieve remote directory listings. There are three options available. You can choose to use the default command (LIST) to show hidden files on a remote server (LIST -la) or to use a command you define. The last option is for advanced users only!