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Synchronize Folders

The feature allows you to recursively compare, synchronize, and clone files and directory structures between a local and remote folder. For more information click here.

Compare Directory

This command allows you to compare local and remote directories at the root level. You can choose to apply additional comparison criteria such as Ignore filename case, Compare file date and Compare file size. After comparison, different items will be highlighted.


Compresses selected file(s)/folder(s) into an archive in format zip, tgz, gzip or tar.


Decompresses an archive.

SSH Key Generation Wizard

Launches the SSK Key Generation Wizard.

SSL Certificate Creation Wizard

Launches the SSK Key Generation Wizard.

OpenPGP Key Creation Wizard

Launches the SSK Key Generation Wizard.

Task Scheduler

Create and manage scheduled tasks, including session and sync tasks. Click here for more information.

Schedule Sync Task Wizard

Launch the Schedule Sync Task Wizard to create a sync task. After you finish with the wizard, the created sync task will be added to Task Scheduler.

Credentials for Sync Service

Manage login credentials Sync Service uses to access network shares. For more details click here.

Basic Auto Upload

Monitors a local folder and uploads any new files that arrive in it. Click here for more information.

E-mail Notification

Configure settings for E-mail notification upon scheduled task completion. The feature is used with Task Scheduler.

Overwrite Rules

Allows you to define rules to handle overwrite conditions. Click here for more information.

OpenPGP Keychain

Shows the OpenPGP Key Management dialog.