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Advanced Options

The Advanced tab in the Options dialog provides miscellaneous options to configure TurboFTP.

Retry Delay
The number determines the time interval between two connection attempts. It is in seconds.

Max. Number of Retries
This number determines how many times TurboFTP will try to connect to an FTP server before it gives up.

Double Click Action
This option group specifies the double click action on a file entry in the local and remote browser pane.

  • Local

A double-click action in the local browser pane can end up with opening (View) the selected file or putting it into the transfer queue for upload (Upload).

  • Remote

A double-click action in the remote browser pane opens the selected file (View/Open) or puts it into the transfer queue for download (Download).

Use Anti-idle
Select this to enable anti-idle after you have logged into an FTP site. A default list of commands has been loaded for you. A command will be randomly chosen from the list and sent to the server to keep the connection active during idle time. You can modify the list by removing any of them or adding your own. You can also adjust the interval between two anti-idle commands and how long you want to maintain anti-idle for a connection. Use 0 for unlimited maintenance time (as long as you are connected). 15 seconds is the minimum interval for Anti-idle.

Shell Integration
Enable the "FTP Upload with TurboFTP wizard" item in Shell context menu or enable the "SFTP Upload with TurboFTP wizard" item in Shell context menu which can launch TurboFTP Upload Wizard right from Windows Shell.

Text File Marks
By clicking this button, you will see a dialog pop up. This dialog lets you specify the extensions of those to be handled as pure text files during transfer, i.e. those files will be transferred using ASCII mode.

Recent connected sites
You can specify the number of the most recently connected sites displayed for your convenience in the Connect menu (by clicking on a site name in Connect menu, you can quickly connect to this site without opening the FTP Site Address Book or entering the site information again.)