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File Filtering for Directory Browsing

File Filtering applies user-defined filters to both local and remote directory listings for browsing. It can be accessed via the Filter toolbar button or [Set Filter] in the context menu of either the local or the remote browser pane. Note that filters defined here will not be used in directory synchronization initiated by the GUI program or Sync Service. To define filters for synchronization purpose, please refer to topic File Filtering For Synchronization

The Filter toolbar button is

The File Filtering Dialog allows you to specify INCLUDE-filters or EXCLUDE-filters applied to the directory listing. File names that match include-filters will be displayed in the directory listing, while file names that match exclude-filters will be excluded from view. The Include tab and the Exclude tab of the dialog hold these two types of filters respectively.

To add a filter, enter a wildcard in the edit field above the Add button and then press the Add button to add the wildcard to the list.

To remove a filter, select an item in the list, and then press the Remove button.

To clear all the filters, press the Clear All button.

For detailed information on wildcard masks, click here.