OpenPGP Key Creation Wizard
With OpenPGP Key Creation Wizard, you can create your OpenPGP key pair and use it to encrypt and sign files using the OpenPGP standard. The wizard does not create any transferrable key files; rather, it stores the new key in TurboFTP's internal OpenPGP keychains, where it can be exported if needed.
STEP 1: General Information
Key file name is required; enter a valid name. The name will be output public and private key file names.
Email Address
Enter a valid Email address. The username combining the Email address will form the UID of the OpenPGP key.
If you want the key never to expire, choose the Never expires option. Otherwise select Expires on and choose an expiration date. The date must be in the future.
STEP 2: Key Type and Size
Key Type
Click the Key Type drop-down list and choose one of the options (RSA, DSA or ECDSA).
Subkey Type
This field will be updated automatically according to the Key Type selected. In OpenPGP, ElGamal will be the public key algorithm for the subkey if the primary key uses DSA. ElGamal is used for encryption, while DSA is for certification and signing only. For a ECDSA master key, the subkey type is always ECDH.
Key Size and Subkey Size
Click the Key Size drop-down list and choose one of the options (for example, you can select 2048, 3072 or 4096-bits for RSA algorithm). ECDSA is based on Elliptic-curve (ECC) cryptography and offers the benefits of much smaller keys. ECC crypto strength is often identified by the ECC curve being used. TurboFTP supports the following ECC curves:
- NIST P-256
- NIST P-384
- NIST P-512
Key Passphrase
It is recommended to use a strong passphrase to encrypt the private key. Otherwise, leave passphrase fields empty.
STEP 3: Review Summary
On this page, you can see a summary of the key pair information you have entered. You can go back to make changes or press the Finish button to generate the key pair.