Auto Rename Options
The Auto Rename tab of the Options dialog allows you to specify renaming schemes for uploads and downloads. The Auto Rename feature is handy if you need to convert a specific file extension to another when downloading or uploading files. For example, you have HTML files with an extension of .htm on your PC that you want to "copy as" .html file to the remote server. With the Auto Rename feature, you can specify a rule ".htm -> .html" and add it to the list of Upload Rename Extensions. When uploading files with an ending of ".htm" TurboFTP will automatically replace the ending with ".html".
The upper part is for Upload Rename Extensions, and the lower part is for Download Rename Extensions. Both parts offer the same way to enable Auto Rename, add and remove a renaming rule.
To enable Auto Rename for download or upload, check the correspondent [Enable] checkbox.
To add an Auto Rename rule, enter the original extension in the [From:] field and the target extension in the [To:] field. Then click on the [Add] button.
To remove an existing rule, highlight that rule entry in the list and click on [Remove]. Note that all existing rules in the list will not be applied unless the [Enable] checkbox is checked.
You can add a rule with an empty [To] part to strip the extension specified in [From] part. For instance, to strip extension ".dat" from a transferred file's name, enter ".dat" in the [From] field and leave [To] field empty, then add this rule by pressing the [Add] button.