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Scheduler As an NT Service

Schedule tasks of TurboFTP (including session and sync tasks) can be run in a generic NT service which is done by the Sync Service module (tftpsvc.exe). Using the Sync Service to run pre-configured scheduled tasks doesn't require a user to log onto the computer and prevents unauthorized users from interfering with or shutting down the scheduled process. The Sync Service supports simultaneous multiple scheduled tasks and offers better performance.

Start the Service

To activate the Sync Service, you must select the Sync Service option during TurboFTP installation and select checkbox [Task Scheduler | Run as NT service] to start the service. After that, you can still add, delete, modify and monitor scheduled tasks in the Task Scheduler.

Program Settings

The Sync Service reads TurboFTP.ini under C:\ProgramData\TurboFTP (assuming Windows OS installed on the C drive) to get the relevant program settings, which means you need set [Options | General | Program data path] to the above, so that in the TurboFTP GUI program you can view and modify the global settings shared by the Sync Service.

Note that Sync Service doesn't use all the settings in Options dialog, but only those under tab [General], [Advanced], [Transfer], [Firewall] and [DUN].

Sync Service relies on the site information stored in the Address Book too. However, it will ignore settings under [Site Settings | Sync], as it uses each Schedule Sync Task's own set of settings under [Schedule Task Settings | Synchronization]. You can see the two have an identical set of elements.

Sync Service also shares settings in [Tools | Email Notification].

Task Log File

Task logs are stored in the TurboFTP installation folder. For task #1, its task log is 1.log, and so on. Each time a task is started, the length of its task log will be checked, and if it exceeds [Options | General | Max Log File Size], a backup copy of the task log will be saved with a date stamp in name and an empty log file will be created for subsequent logging.

Stop the Service

Uncheck [Task Scheduler | Run as NT service] to stop the service. You can, of course, use the Windows Control Panel.

NT Event Log

The Sync Service writes important information about each scheduled task in the system Event Log. This is typically done when a task is started, or ended (either with an error or successfully) and when a task is added, deleted or modified.

Install and Uninstall the NT Service

These are normally done by the installer and uninstaller, respectively. But you can also do it manually in a console window.

To reinstall: tftpsvc /install

To uninstall: tftpsvc /uninstall

For more information about tftpsvc.exe's command line options, type:

tftpsvc /help