Display Options
Following options are available in the Display tab:
Full row select in queue pane
You can choose to highlight an entry in the queue pane in full or not.
Full row select in browser pane
You can choose to highlight an entry in the browser pane in full or not.
Show entry to parent directory in browser panes
If enabled, there will be a link to the parent directory as the first item in the local or remote browser pane. By double-clicking it, you can enter the parent directory. This is provided as a more convenient way to navigate through folders, compared to using the Up A Directory button.
Always minimize to system tray
Select this to always minimize TurboFTP to the system tray (the lower right corner of Windows TaskBar) when you click the minimize button of the window.
Minimize to system tray at program startup
Hide the program window and only show a program icon on the system tray when the program is launched.
System tray tip at transfer complete
If enabled and a program icon is present on the system tray, a bubble tip will show up upon completion of each queue transfer, indicating the number of files transferred and the number of errors that have occurred. You might want to disable it for silent operations.
Show tooltip in browser panes
If enabled, a small tooltip will be shown when the mouse cursor is placed on an item in a browser pane for a short period. The tooltip shows the full file name, the file type, and the file size. This is useful when the browser pane is in a List View style, and you don't have to switch to Detail View style to see the file size, or in a Detail View, the column width is not enough to show the full name of a file.
Show transfer details
By enabling this option, you can see all commands sent to the FTP server and the server's response when transferring files (TYPE I, PORT, etc.). Disabling this option will hide this information, and it is useful when you have just deleted a number of remote files and don't want the results to be pushed away by the transfer details of the following listing refresh.
Sort Address Book records in alphabetical order
By enabling this option, the Address Book sites will be displayed alphabetically. For a reverse alphabetical order, you need to enable the indented option [Sort in reverse alphabetical order] as well.
Clear Log Window between sessions
Automatically clear Log Window before connecting to a new site.
No menu Bitmap icons
Hide all bitmap icons in menus.
Show LIST result in Log Window
Dump retrieved remote directory listings in Log Window. You can also use the [View raw listing] command from the remote browser pane's context menu to see raw listing data of the current remote directory.
Resolve Links
Links on the Unix operating system can point to files or folders. This option tells TurboFTP how to handle the links on Unix FTP servers.
When selected (default): enable the Automatic Link Resolve feature. Upon retrieval of a remote directory's listing containing links, TurboFTP automatically issues commands to test whether those links point to a folder or a file.
When unselected: disable the Automatic Link Resolve feature. All Unix links are at first assumed to be folder links. When you double click a link that is not a folder link, the CWD command will fail, and that item will then be changed to a file link.
Show Welcome Message
When selected, TurboFTP will show the welcome message sent by the FTP server after a connection is established.
Show remote directory message
Some FTP servers will display directory-specific information ( e.g., date of last update, directory content, legal information, etc.) when you enter a remote directory. This option brings it to you in a message box.
Log Buffer Size
By specifying the Log Buffer Size, you can limit the lines of text that the Log Window can hold. The Log Window shows the latest message on the bottom and pushes the old ones upwards. When the buffer size is reached, the old top lines in the window will be truncated. The default value is 200.