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Domain Activity

The Domain Activity section provides real-time connection statistics and performance chart of the domain. The information is shown in two tabs: Activity and Performance.

Click the Activity node under the domain to access the Domain Activity section.

MFT server activity details

Activity tab

The Activity tab shows the selected domain's connected users if they are connected through FTP or SFTP protocol. The user list is updated in real-time with a delay of some seconds. The details of each connection include the user ID, session ID, username, IP, connection time, and the last FTP or SFTP command executed.

MFT server activity details

Activity tab displays the information with the following columns:


Displays the user's session ID.


Displays the name of the user connected.


Displays the user's IP address.

Connection time

Displays the during this user is connected. The connection time is in HH:MM format.


Displays the file transfer protocol the connection is using. It could be FTP or SFTP. All other stateless protocols are excluded from the Activity tab.

Last command

Displays the last command of this user.

The connection context menu has the following menu items:


Refreshes the listing of the active users.

Kick user

Forcefully disconnects the selected user.

Stop transfer

If the connection is in progress of file transfer, this command stops it.

Send message

This command allows you to send a message to the selected user. This feature is only supported in FTP. Also, not all FTP clients support this feature, so there is no guarantee that the user will receive the message.

Performance tab

MFT server performance

The performance tab shows real-time domain status regarding inbound and outbound traffic and the number of connected users. The vertical axis on the left shows the total transfer speeds, with upload and download (inbound and outbound) in different colors. The vertical axis on the right shows the number of concurrently connected users. The horizontal axis shows the time elapsed. You can pan the graph with the mouse to see statistics at different times. Please maximize the management console window to better view the performance graph.