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Main Menu

Connect menu

MFT server console connect menu

Connect to server

When the selected server is not connected, this option is available. Click this command to connect to the selected server.

Disconnect from server

Selecting this disconnects you from the current server.

Clear remote admin credentials

All remote admin credentials will be cleared after clicking this command.


Exit command exits the TSRMC program.


The Manage menu contains several menu items to create, delete elements in the server. Alternatively, you can use the selected element's context menu, for instance, a user or a group, for deletion.

Add Server

Launch the Add Server wizard when a server group node is selected.

Add Server Group

Select the Add Server Group menu item, and the New Server Group dialog will appear. Enter a unique name to create a new server group.

Add Domain Wizard

Launch the Add Domain Wizard when a server node is selected.

Add Group Wizard

When a Domain node is selected, this command opens the Add Group dialog.

Add User Wizard

When a Domain node is selected, this command launches the Add User wizard.

Add User Class

When a Domain node is selected, this command opens the Add User Class dialog.


The Delete command allows you to delete a selected user, domain, user class, or group. A confirmation dialog will appear. Click "OK" to delete or "Cancel" to cancel the action.


The Refresh command allows you to update the item being highlighted. For example, if a user node is selected, the user's settings will be re-fetched from the server.

Start Domain

Use this command to start the selected domain or the domain under the selected server or server group.

Stop Domain

Use this command to stop the selected domain or the domain under the selected server or server group.

View menu


Toggles toolbar elements.

Status Bar

Toggles the status bar.

Open Domain Log

Opens the file of domain log.

Open Domain SSH Log

Opens the file of domain SSH log.

Open Server Log

Opens the file of server log.

Tools menu

SSH Key Pair Wizard

Click the SSH Key Pair Wizard command to popup the SSH Key Pair wizard.

SSL Certificate Wizard

Click the SSL Certificate Wizard command to popup the SSL Certificate wizard.

Local Service Manager

Click this command to popup the Local Service Manager dialog. You can start, stop, install, or uninstall the service by clicking the buttons on the dialog.